How it Feels to Be Me essay; Poetry draft; Discussion


If you missed it for homework, please read the very famous essay: "How It Feels to Be Colored Me" by Zora Neale Hurston in class this morning.

Generally, 1st period will be used to give you some lab time. After reading and digesting Hurston's essay, we will write a personal creative nonfiction essay on an aspect of you. The task will be to write an essay* about your experience within a specific hegemonic group or culture that you identify with (one, perhaps, that you listed earlier in last class). This can be an examination of your gender, your "race" or "class", your heritage, your identity or involvement in a sub-group or minority, your religion, a family tradition, etc.

In order to begin thinking about this, consider how you identify yourself. What part of your personality/tradition/culture is unique to you. Focus on this idea in your creative essay. Remember:
  • Non-fiction is creative--remember to use poetic/literary devices (imagery, metaphor, detail, tone, character, etc.)
  • Non-fiction tells an interesting story--show us the scenes, paint them with imagery, remember to use your writing skills and make your audience appreciate your story. 
  • Non-fiction includes dialogue, description of setting, and can include teaching new ideas to your audience
  • Non-fiction includes reflection of the subject matter
Length and style is up to you, but you should develop and tell a good story. Your premise? "How it feels to be me..." Have at it!

2nd period:

We will continue last class's agenda. If we finish early, we'll discuss chapter 1 of the novel you selected in reading groups.

HOMEWORK: Read chapter 2 of your selected novel. Be prepared to summarize both chapter 1 and chapter 2. Read the chapter handout on summary writing.


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