Portfolios; Myth Prezi Project Presentations; The Once & Future King (day 1)

Period 1: Lab

Please prepare your mythology Prezis for todays presentation (2nd period).

Use your time in the lab to work on your writing portfolio. Portfolios are due Jan. 20.

Where do we find myths in our contemporary culture? Here are only a few examples:

Period 2: At 8:00, please go to the library and pick up The Once & Future King by T.H. White. Then to the classroom.

Mythology Prezis

Take notes on key aspects of these cultures and their myths as your peers present their presentations. As a writer, consider:

  • What could I do with the information I am receiving in terms of creative writing?
  • Which cultures intrigue me enough to use this information in my writing?
  • How are these stories of gods and heroes similar to the gods and heroes I have studied?
  • How might I update some of these myths for my own contemporary writing?
  • How do these myths help me understand the theories of Campbell, Frye, Jung, and Eliade?
If we finish today in class, let's crack open The Once & Future King. We're going to listen to a few chapters this week to get you into the book. Please aim to complete the book (at least Sword in the Stone) by the time we return from Winter Break (or around Jan. 6). 


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