Star Wars Analysis

This morning, before we continue Star Wars, let's discuss the Analytical Essay project. Let's review possible steps for you as you examine the film:

Your task: Examine the effect and significance of Lucas' use of Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey Archetypes and the four functions of myth in the film Star Wars.

When writing your body paragraphs, consider using the SEC method:

  • State: State your idea or claim (or state your next idea or claim)
  • Example: Give an example (paraphrase examples from the text or use direct textual support...quotes)
  • Comment: Comment on the example you used (connect it back to your thesis or claim). 

Okay? Any questions? 

Let's return then to Star Wars and continue watching. Take notes. Graph. Etc. You will use your notes for your analytical paper project.

HOMEWORK: Edith Hamilton's "The Quest for the Golden Fleece" (117-130) and/or "Perseus" (141 - 148) story . Read and identify the hero's journey. You may create an outline, story board, mind-map or graphic design (like a board game) that illustrates key steps/figures of the typical Hero quest in one of the myths. You should, however, read both myths.Then decide on your graphic design. Due: Nov. 9 (Wednesday). We will have 1st period in the lab to complete this homework task. Come to class knowing and having read the two myths--particularly if you are working with a partner.

NOTE: You may work with a partner for this assignment if you'd like--although you both should have read and understood the story (and both help complete the assignment!) 

Our coffeehouse is Nov. 8 at 7:00 in the Ensemble Theater. You are all welcome to attend (attending and reading a selection grants you extra credit for MP2!)


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