Analytical Paper: Mythology; Jung & Northrop Frye: Theory of Archetypes


Please use your time in the lab to work on your analytical examination of Joseph Campbell's theories in Star Wars.

REMINDER: Come see William Shakespeare's Star Wars: Verily a New Hope tonight at 7:00 in the Ensemble Theater. Extra credit if you go.

For help with your essay, please see the previous post.


Let's continue examining Carl Jung's theories. For homework, please watch the two linked videos and outline the key concepts shared in these two videos.

After reading about Jung, please read a few poems from the packet. A creative task would be to take a myth (any myth you have encountered in Edith Hamilton's Mythology) and use it as a creative spark to write your own poem. Use the models to create your own poem drafts.

Then, let's take a look at Northrop Frye's theories. Frye was born in Quebec, Canada and lived in New Brunswick, Canada and taught at the University of Toronto--just hours away across our lake. See handouts/links. Inparticular (among other literary criticism theories...) Frye used Jung to create his own system of mythological criticism. Here are some basic ideas he came up with...

As we continue our myth and cultural unit, let's add Frye and Jung's theories to Campbells for a bigger picture of examining mythology.

With time remaining (unlikely, but possible) let's chat a bit about creation myths or Cosmology.

Finish reading any myths in Edith Hamilton's Mythology book. Bring your book back with you to next class. Also, please bring the other mythology book we checked out: Mythic Voices to class. We will be using it now.

Please watch these two videos (about 25 min. total) and outline the key and important points. Carl Jung's theories:
A. Introduction to Carl Jung: The Psyche, Archetypes, and the Collective Unconscious
B. Introduction to Carl Jung: Individuation, the Persona, The Shadow and the Self


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