Race Topics & Writing

This morning, please complete our jigsaw on the variety of topics covered last class. After that, head up to the lab to write, reflect, work on your homework assignment for next class, or continue reading your chosen novel. Turn in any work you completed this week to me by end of class today.

Here are a few writing prompts:

  • What 'races' are overlooked in education's 'apology' to fail to understand racism in America? Write about one of them from the perspective of that student.
  • Which philosopher or philosophy about race issues is correct? Who do you believe in? Why? Write a personal reflection essay.
  • Put 2-3 philosophers in a setting and have them talk. Write the script of that scene.
  • Put a philosopher in a setting with one of the characters in the book you are reading. Write that scene.
  • Write the story of an alien who visits earth. How is the alien treated? How might the alien invader treat different races or view human 'races' as insignificant (or significant)? Write that story.
  • Watch any of the videos below. Create your own film or documentary, or respond creatively to any one or more of these documentary videos.

What Would the World be Like without Black People (video)
Racism & Global Genocide of Black People (BBC, Documentary)
Dark Girls (full length documentary)
MTV: White People (documentary)
Dan Rather on Education in Detroit (news documentary about education in Detroit)

Please actually read the book you selected to read. You should complete your novel by 2/24. There will be a test. You will need to write an essay and you will need textual support to argue/answer a specific question. Please annotate your novel (use sticky notes or Cornell notes or other techniques you have learned to be successful).

  • BONUS PROMPT: Become inspired by what you are reading. Write a poem, scene, essay, or short story inspired by the novel you are reading. 

HOMEWORK: What's the solution to our race problem(s) in America? Alone or in small groups find out the answer and prepare to discuss this when we return to school after Feb. break. It would be nice to see an essay, or a Prezi, or some sort of organized speech on the topic (any electronic text or presentation material does count for your portfolio!) If you are working with groups use Google docs or other means to connect with your partner over break to discuss the issue. You may also get help from someone OUTSIDE of class.

Use the materials I've covered in class, use your own brain, use your own experiences. Be prepared to share your clear, thoughtful ideas with the class when we return.


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