Race "Solutions"! Presentations

What's the solution to our race problem(s) in America? 

The task: Alone or in small groups find out the answer and prepare an essay, or a Prezi, or some sort of organized speech on the topic that you will share with the class (remember any electronic text or presentation material does count for your portfolio!)

The presentations/participation:

Race and American Identity is closely linked. Our history has several really bad blemishes on its face. One of these is the legacy of slavery and buying into the idea culturally that certain cultures (usually outsiders, minorities, or foreigners) are inferior or do not deserve the same rights and protections under the American Constitution. This is a paradox: how can America see itself as the "land of the free, home of the brave" and follow the idea that "all 'men' are created equal" when this sort of thinking continues to raise its ugly head?

Since emancipation we have struggled with this issue. No generation has been able to cure America's problem of "the color line."

But you are our only hope. Today (and Friday) let's hear what you have to say about the topic of race and how we might, as a collective American family, finally bury this embarrassment in the "cold, cold ground."

HOMEWORK: None. If you did not present today, please prepare for your presentation on Friday.


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