Portfolios; Semester 2; Stone Gods Exercises

Welcome to Semester 2!

After our morning warm-up & response:

Let's chat this morning about our portfolios and some alterations/helpful hints to be successful in this class.

New policy for you:

  • Each week I will collect your writing. Your writing (drafts) are always due the last class of that week (Thursday when the class ends Thursday...Friday when the class ends Friday, etc.)
  • This collected class work will be pass/fail. No draft, no grade.
  • When in the lab, please use the time given to you to further your portfolio (that's what it's for) but you can also conduct a workshop if you feel the need...or have a conference with me--this isn't new, just reminding you...)
  • Please note that this course is a literature course, first and foremost. The reading of texts and works are required. You will not pass this class if you don't read. (Again, not really new, just a reminder...)
Now let's conduct a short grammar lesson and details about time management. After that we'll crack open that The Stone Gods book and work with what we have there.

You may have missed this poster from Ms. Gamzon's lab, but here it is to remind you:

Please note #1, #2, #3, #5, #6, #11 in particular. 

After examining passages in The Stone Gods, let's go to the lab to write. Use your time. It's all you have.

HOMEWORK: Complete The Stone Gods (if you haven't done so already). New book choice on the way. 


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