Fun Home Analysis

Today, please use your time in the lab to answer the following questions as you read/examine Fun Home by Alison Bechdal. Your answers should be well written, printed out, and will be collected at the end of the class for participation/quiz credit.

1. View the following links/videos and explain what the Bechdal test is (what are its rules, for example) and why it might be important when examining pop culture, media, or literature?

2. View and read these recent articles about the book and respond to the question below:
What is your opinion on the matter? In a thoughtful response, argue both FOR the boycotters (why might it be important for students to refuse to read the book, for example) and AGAINST them. Consider your views about what college education is for, why it might be helpful to read books that you might not like, or other issues that have risen from your reading or your reading of the articles above about the topic? 

3. An "artificer" is a skilled craftsman/craftsperson or inventor. Give some reasons where, how, and why Bechdal uses this trope in the book. (note: there are 3 parts to this question: where does Bechdal use the idea of an "artificer", how is it used, why does she make this allusion?)

4. Who were Daedalus & Icarus? Comment on Bechdal's use of this mythological allusion in the book.

5. As much as it is unraveling the mystery of her father's strange life and death, how does Bechdal's own life parallel that of her father?

6. Allusions abound in this book. List examples of allusions used in the book. [hint: look for graphics or illustrations in the book that show titles of books...what are some of these books?] Find at least 5 that are NOT mentioned here.

7. Explain why the setting of this book (and its title) are both ironic and appropriate for this story?

Then answer any three of the following:
  • How does the allusion to Camus and his philosophy about suicide & the Myth of Sisyphus play a role in the book? What themes might it suggest or foreshadow?
  • Why might Bechdal allude to The Adams Family (by Charles Adams)? What might she be suggesting by this allusion?
  • What connections might Bechdal be making between the story her grandmother tells and the provincial life of her father (pg. 40-42)?
  • How does Bechdal develop her mother's character effectively in the novel? [Hint: how does Bechdal use allusions to make connections or assumptions about her parents?]
  • What might be the connection between the chapter An Ideal Husband and The Importance of Being Ernest?
  • Why might Bechdal allude to the classic epic The Odyssey & James Joyce's Ulysses in the graphic novel? 
As you read Fun Home by Alison Bechdel, you may be interested in learning a little more about her. Take a gander at

We will discuss the book Wednesday (along with Tales of the City--which we didn't get to discuss last class!)

HOMEWORK: None. Complete the book if you haven't done so already. Portfolios are due Friday, January 22.


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