Today, read Queneau's Exercises in Style and play around with a writing exercise. Please turn in your writing by the end of class today. Information on Raymond Queneau can be found here. Exercises in Style: 1. Write a short succinct story about "modern" life. This should be nothing more than a short anecdote. In fact, you can title the first entry anecdote. Or Writing Exercise. 2. Rewrite the same short story at least two or three more times (total of 3-4, but you can do more if you'd like) using any of the following writing "Styles": Metaphor Simile Personification Alliterative Anagrams Formal Slang Onomatopoeia Past Tense Present Tense Future Tense Passive Sonnet Alexandrine Exclamations Epic Heroic Cockney Cross Examination Five Act Play Summary Tragedy Comedy Introspective Subjective Objective Apostrophe Awkward Syntax Biased Olfactory Ode Elegy Haiku Villanelle Sestina Journalistic Accented (pick an accent)...