Field Trip to MCC

Those of you who have not yet presented your presentations will do so today. If you are absent, please send me your file electronically. You will not get full credit, but you will not have to present either. Oh, if we had world enough and time...

Anyway, with the time we have remaining in the day after the presentations, please work on your portfolios or complete your reading of the two articles/essays I asked you to read. You may also read The Rabbit Proof Fence. There will be a quiz and discussion on the book next class.

HOMEWORK: Please complete the Rabbit Proof Fence. Identify the cultural institutions in the book and how they help and hinder the protagonist(s).


Unknown said…
I'm much less impressed with MCC than I am with the other schools I've visited. MCC is far from trashy, and it has a lot of interesting things, like the labs in the science department, but it's missing the feeling I get from Fredonia, RIT, and UR. With these colleges, especially UR, there's a powerful sense of community and connectivity. The campus feels like its own small society with its own distinct culture. In comparison, MCC feels a lot like a high school.
Unknown said…
I thought the field trip to MCC was moderately interesting. I found it amusing how the students slumped against the walls, almost becoming part of the background. I spent most of the walk around MCC in a state of muse, but the engineering department broke me out of my spell enough for me to say an audible "cool".

The discussion with the English 101 class was very...quiet. I guess college kids don't talk much, but it really was like pulling teeth trying to get people to contribute to the discussion. The food was good, though.

I liked sitting in the sci/fi fantasy class and hearing the heated discussion, even without context of the book. I can't judge the class based on one session, but it didn't seem too content heavy, and if it isn't then I'm ambivalent about the class, but it seemed interesting and something I might consider taking if I were to go to Em double C.
Clara OC said…
It was interesting to visit and see MCC, since I had never really been inside the buildings before. Working with some of the students was interseting because their perpspective on education was different from ours -- they had their own unhappinesses and prejudices against education. The tour was kind of a waste of time, but sitting in on the class was cool -- their discussion on that novel Homeland was fascinating, even if I had no idea what the book was about before hand.
Unknown said…
I feel that although the MCC field trip had a lot of potential and some parts of it were very interesting, it fell short of my expectations as a school. The tour was not very well thought out and we just sort of wandered around the campus until it was time to go back to the classroom. The discussion we had about educational standards and systems was actually a very interesting premise, but I feel like it fell into a cycle of kids complaining about school and councilors without making very informed arguments. Also the people in my group just didn’t really care or understand what exactly the Language of Success was, so that made it a little harder for me to get something out of it. Two of my group members said they were just there for the food, which was much better than I’ve gotten at other colleges. The scifi/fantasy lit class we visited was really interesting, even if I had no idea what they were talking about. The fact that they talked about relative morality and the differences between nature and nurture so well and intensely was really fascinating and made me really excited to go to college and be in an environment were people are interested in learning.

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