Cultural History Visual Project

Please continue working on your visual project as requested below. Read and write a response to the article: "Learning Power".

By the end of class today, we'll set a deadline for the project.

Upcoming field trips and important dates:
  • Geva's 39 Steps. We recently received tickets to attend Geva's production of the 39 Steps for Thursday, Nov. 7. We would be missing periods 3-7 and walking to Geva. I'd love to invite you, but this is not a requirement. All field trip information must be completed in order to attend. Please bring a bagged lunch (we eat during intermission), and prepare weather-wise to walk to the theater (about a 20-30 minute walk with a group o' you).
  • We are taking an educational field trip to MCC-Brighton Campus on Nov. 14 to attend a CCTE Educational Seminar. You will be asked to listen to a panel presentation about education and participate in a candid discussion between your class and MCC professor Mrs. Johnston's English 101 class. After lunch, we will attend a college English or creative writing class depending on availability. Lunch and transportation to the college will be provided. You will be missing periods 3-8 and part of 9 on that date.
  • Our first coffeehouse is Nov. 21 at 7:00 in the Ensemble Theater. While we are focusing on the 9th grade creative writing majors, we would love to see your class participating! Extra credit for those of you who attend and read/perform. Refreshments, as always, will be served after the event.

HOMEWORK: Please continue reading The Rabbit Proof Fence. As you read, consider the institutions of family, government, education, religion, and economics. Find and look for examples of these institutions within the narrative.

Information about the author Doris Pilkington and a trailer from the film version of the book: The Rabbit Proof Fence. Also a newspaper article.


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