Problems in Education: PBL Posting

Please follow these directions step-by-step and very closely.
1. Please go to the following website:

2. Select the menu at the far-right of the screen: STUDENT FORUM. (This is for you. The rest of the stuff is teacher-ly things. Feel free to browse, but focus on your project…)
3. At the BOTTOM OF THE RIGHT HAND SIDE, is the META: Please click on the LOG-IN button. Your names have already been submitted to MCC for this program.

4. At the WORD PRESS log in screen, please enter your USERNAME and PASSWORD.
Your USER NAME is your first name and last initial (bradleyc, for example). Your name is taken from the school roster, so My, Gracie, and Gus need to use their traditional names: Zoe, Edith, Augustus, etc.
Your PASSWORD is: pblstudent (all lowercase, no spaces)
NOTE: To protect your privacy, you must log in before selecting your class forum. If you click on your class before logging in, the forum page will not be found!
5. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a brief intro, note to students, and list of the forums—one for each of the participating classes and one “cross talk” forum for students to talk with peers from other classes. Clicking on any of the forum links will take you to that forum. Today, we will use Mr. Craddock’s class forum.
Please read the “Welcome” post I have posted and respond to the film: The War on Kids. In your post please:
A. Introduce yourself so future readers know something about you (grade level, any relevant important info about you) and your educational history (for example: I went to school 42, then School of the Arts. I plan to go to college to study Zoology, etc.) Then write and post your response, including your own personal educational experience in regard to issues raised from the video and related readings we have covered in class so far. This is just like any response to a book or film you’ve done on the other forums.

B. After getting together in your assigned groups, see and complete instructions below, you will select one of your group members to POST a TOPIC on your group’s chosen problem. The other members of the same group will REPLY and comment as well to this posted topic.
6. Please complete both posts by the end of class today (the response to The War on Kids & the Reply and posting of your group’s research TOPIC).

7. With any further time left in class, please begin your research on your group’s topic. Record any websites and materials you research on your MLA citation note page.

  • A. Get into your required assigned groups for this project:
  • b. Discuss educational problems you listed on your sheet. Make sure you get these back to help you focus your topics. From your list, rank them and/or discuss them in importance from “VERY important” to “not as important”. Choose one larger concept/topic for your group’s topic. Record your topic on the sheet provided. If you are repeating a topic, please select another relevant topic so that we have 4 different topics to discuss with other classes on the forum.
  • c. After your group has completed step B (above), select one member from your group to POST a TOPIC. The heading for your topic should be your group’s topic/subject. For example: Bullying.
  • d. All members of your group should REPLY to this first posted topic. Add your own reasons why you think the topic is vital or important to study.
  • e. AFTER POSTING: please begin to research your topic on line. Surf the web for resources and information concerning your topic. KEEP TRACK OF WHERE YOU FIND INFORMATION. You will be required to complete an MLA formatted works cited page.
HOMEWORK: Please continue reading your selected Non-Fiction book: The Undertaking, The Other Wes Moore, Chew on This, etc.


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