Presentations, PBL Project, & Portfolios

After our last two presentations, let's chat about our next unit. This is a special project we will be participating in for the NCCTE program. The project will revolve around what is called Problem Based Learning (PBL) or Inquiry Based (IB) questioning and research techniques. The community discussion will be conducted on a special forum so that students from Monroe High School, Rush-Henrietta and MCC can all participate.

The project will create an interactive element to the learning, writing, and research going on in our class, but will also be an kind of bridge between schools and between high school and college preparatory work. The following Rochester-area classes are involved with the project:

-->Professor Angelique Johnston, English Department at Monroe Community College  (MCC)
Mr. Chuck Abell, English Department, Sperry High School, Rush-Henrietta School District 
Mr. Brad Craddock, English/Creative Writing Department, School of the Arts  &
Ms. Anna Haines, English Department, Monroe High School, Rochester City School District

As a part of this project, we’ll be using high impact learning practices, an online discussion forum, and a face-to-face town hall meeting to create a learning environment where students have the opportunity to hear not only from their own teacher and classmates, but area teachers, students, and administrators. Our goal is create a genuine, interactive conversation that stimulates lively and rigorous discussion about pressing concerns on the subject of Education in America. We look forward to your involvement and feedback on the process. As your instructor I will be working on an Action Research Project to share our findings with educators in our area, region, and country.

PBL and the Forum
PBL is a an acronym for Problem-Based Learning. Problem-Based Learning is defined as a learning technique that creates real-life scenarios, puts the student in the role of problem-solver, and generates inquiry by student-generated action. Your instructor has chosen this method of instruction to create a learning environment with a focus on real-world issues and problems. The issues in education that you will read, discuss, write, and research all have real players and real consequences. We hope you enjoy getting involved in the national conversation. 

The Online Forum is an online discussion board, linked to the Community Center for Teaching Excellence’s (CCTE) website at: There, you will have the opportunity to virtually connect with the students from your own class as well as the three other classes involved with our project.

Portfolios are due Oct. 12:

What is due in your portfolio:
1. Your non-fiction essay
2. Creative work (poetry, fiction, non-fiction, scripts, films, comic strips, etc.) inspired by articles, brainstorming, responses, your own imagination, etc.
3. Your reflective essay on your presentation topic
4. Revisions of any of your work.
5. Second or third drafts of your Advanced Poetry works THAT HAVE NOT BEEN REVISED IN MS. PEREZ' CLASS.
6. A short reflection about the work you've put in the portfolio.
 Today in the lab, please complete these two tasks:

1. Make a list of educational problems. What do you think needs change or more attention in the field of contemporary education? Research what other people are complaining about regarding American Education. Add their ideas to your list. Hand in your list by the end of class today as participation credit.

For help on line, check out this useful resource! Link: Problem Area: Problems of Education
2. Reflection for your portfolio. What have you written this marking period? What gave you trouble, what are areas of concern, what did you like, what was easy or came naturally to you? Comment on the pieces you have in your portfolio. Do you want to continue them, build on them? What feedback do you want from me as a teacher? What questions do you have or concerns? Etc.


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