Research & Cross Talk: Week Two
Link for forum. For much of your life from now on, you will be asked to conduct research. Being an adult, also means you are responsible for yourself and dealing with a myriad of problems that will come your way. Even as an author, it is no longer enough to "make up" all the details. You will have to conduct some level of research to get the answers you need. "Research" means looking for an answer to a question or problem. Different kinds of questions require different kinds of answers, and different kinds of answers require different kinds of research. Knowing what you need is a first step. If the answer you're looking for is a known fact: What's the percentage of teens who attend public schools in America, for example, then you're probably going to have to search the internet or look in books or articles in a library, or consult an expert. If you're seeking reinforcement, then you may have to conduct a study or experiment of some sort, or...