Pop Matters Report & Me Talk Pretty One Day (part deux)

Last class you read a few articles from the website Pop Matters . You were to choose 3 articles and write a short 1-2 paragraph summary of each article. I'll be collecting that work as participation credit at the end of today's class.

But first:

Using your notes please define 5 of the following terms:
  • Pop Culture 
  • Counter culture
  • Subculture
  • Trash culture
  • Theory of progressive evolution
  • High culture/low culture 
  • Mass media
  • Folklore
  • Urban legend
  • Fads

If you finish your quiz early, please begin reading the article Being the Other and respond to it in your notebook/journal. When the class is ready, we will share our articles with each other. Be prepared to summarize and discuss one of the articles in front of the class. The rest of us will be listening and taking notes about possible topics to write about, making a list or creating a graphic design of ideas.

NOTE: if you have not completed your non-fiction essay, please do so over this weekend and bring the draft to next class.

With time remaining, we will listen to See You Again Yesterday, Me Talk Pretty One Day, and if possible due to time, Jesus Shaves.

HOMEWORK: Please complete Me Talk Pretty One Day (the book). Read the essays and remember your notes about writing non-fiction. Look! Here are models of non-fiction. Non-fiction sells. Learn this. The essays in part deux deal primarily with Sedaris being an outsider (he's an American in France, for example). There are connections here, aren't there. Enjoy.


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