Coffee House!

We are sending the seniors away with a party. This is your night. Please plan on attending the last coffeehouse of the year. Friends and family are welcome!

As seniors you've worked a lot, put in a lot of effort, and spent your time writing, revising, thinking, procrastinating, and learning. Now we can show you off to the world. Before you graduate and say goodbye to SOTA, we want to celebrate your hard work and effort!

Please join us at 7:00 on Monday in the Ensemble Theater. Refreshments will be provided.

NOTE: If you have a film project you would like to present, please copy the MP4 file and send it to my teacher email address.

Also: we would like to put together a graduation booklet with your favorite and best written work. Please send me the attached file and we'll put you in the booklet. I need the files by Monday, June 6.


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