German Culture & Literature

Key moments in German History:

The Reformation
Prussian Empire
Bismarck Empire
Immanuel Kant & Moral Philosophy
Franco-Prussian War (Napolean)
Franco-Prussian War (part II)
Karl Marx
Sigmund Freud
First World War
Weimar Germany
Nazi Germany
German Propaganda
German Propaganda (part II)
German Propaganda Images
East/West Germany - a country torn in two
The Fall of the Wall
Images of the Wall

Part of writing is discovering new things. Research often leads to new ideas and excitement. Use the website below as a background for your research during this unit. You may be surprised where it takes your writing and subject matter.

The following website is a wonderful stating point for the uninitiated. It's filled with pictures and information about German History stretching all the way back to the medieval period. Peruse it as you see fit. You will no doubt learn a lot if you do.

German History in Documents and Images.

How to use this as a writer?
1. Pick a picture. Write about it. or Choose someone in the picture and pretend to be that person. What might he/she say? Create a dramatic monologue or first person POV story using this person's fictional voice.
2. Choose a period of time. Research it. Gather facts in your notebook. Use some of these facts in a story, play, setting, etc.
3. Choose a picture. Describe it in a poem.
4. Create a character. Put your character in one setting (including time period); then move the action forward to another parallel time period. Do this again (at least 3 times). Try to find similarities between time periods and conflicts, plot elements, etc.
5. Learn a period of German history. Comment on it in a personal essay or memoir.
6. Choose an important event or person from German history. Write about it in a poem, play, or short story.

Just a few ideas.

HOMEWORK: Create something in writing using this information. Length, style, genre, and content is up to you. Due: Friday, May 20.


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