Lab & Portfolios Due!

Today we will be spending our time preparing for our projects and portfolios (which are due today!) in the lab.

What goes into your portfolio?
--Your Zombie project (if you handed this in, I already have it)
--Your ghazal
--Your middle eastern writings (poems, plays, short stories, essays, etc.)
--Previous work that you developed or revised
--Your Pop Culture Project (the writing part of it only)
--Other writing projects or pieces

The Rubric for your portfolio was posted on September 15. Look there for info.

Please choose any of the following projects (note: some are group projects).
Common Elements of the projects:

A. All projects should have a Works Cited page. This is a requirement, as the project encourages and requires additional sources, books, interviews, materials, etc. Check out the link to MLA format on the link page to your right.

B. All projects should have a: treatment, outline, or 1-2 page proposal. This proposal should outline the following: 1. what do I want to do? (an explanation of the project as you imagine it) 2. Why do I want to do it? (your reasoning and interest in the topic) and 3. What is it going to include or cover? (No, you can't just wing this at the last minute.)

C. Individual projects will have individual requirements. See below.

Project Reminders:

1. SPEECH & PERFORMANCE: Write a 5-7 minute speech (with visual aides...flyer, brochure, pamphlet--at least one is required). The speech should be researched, written (typed out & added to your portfolio), transferred to note cards and rehearsed. No credit will be given if the performer does not deliver the speech live as a performer. PERFORMANCE DATE: Wednesday, DEC. 1.

2. FILM: Write a 3-7 minute film. The film must be accompanied by a film script and the film should be filmed with an actual camera and edited using appropriate film making software. Include a 1-2 page personal review of the film making process (all participants--added to your portfolio). Screening DEC. 3.

3. JOURNAL/MAGAZINE: Write a 8-16 page magazine. Each contributor should have a distinct role or roles (stated clearly in the table of contents), assist with the completion and layout of the project, and include a 1-2 page personal review of putting together a literary or popular cultural magazine (add review to your portfolio). The final magazine should be printed and bound (see me for more details). Due DEC. 3.

4. GRAPHIC NOVEL: Write and draw a graphic novel or comic book (8-16 pages). The final issue should be bound (and added to your portfolio). Include a 1-2 page personal review of putting together a graphic "novel". Due DEC. 3.

5. TELEVISION SHOW: Working with a group (producer, director, writer(s), and actors, pitch and create the pilot episode of a new sitcom or teen drama involving contemporary issues and popular cultural events. Your project should include a completed television script for a 22-minute episode. You are required to shoot and edit at least one act or scene of the television program. Screening DEC. 3.


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