Television - Monster or Misunderstood Munster?

Love it or turn it off, TV has changed us.

Look here for information about the history of TV. Take a few notes about TV history. Examine how TV has insinuated itself into American culture.

Television Without Pity is a website that provides detailed recaps of select television dramas, situation comedies and reality TV shows, often by mocking them. In 2007 the site was purchased by the Bravo unit of NBC Universal. The site is notable for its wide usage of the word "snark" to describe its typical style of sarcastic review. The site's mascot is Tubeelzebub (a portmanteau of tube and Beelzebub - "Tubey" for short), a demonic television set replete with horns and a pointed tail.
Please view the site: Television Without Pity. Read a few critiques. Try writing a critique of your own based on your favorite TV show list.

Also take a look here.

Greatest T.V. Controversies.

Review these sites and make notes or brainstorm ideas for fiction/poetry, TV scripts, or non-fiction essays. Take your list of favorite TV shows, review what is posted on these links and webpages, and write drafts of related information.

Homework: Develop an idea, brainstorm, and write about TV in some genre.


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