Portfolio due!

The portfolio is due today (Thursday, Oct. 8). While in the lab, please finish any last minute touches on your work. Proofread and prepare a 1-2 page reflection on your writing. Discuss each piece you select for the portfolio and explain what you feel still needs to be worked on, what you found to be working in the piece, and where you might want to take the project given a second or third draft and more time.

If you turn in the portfolio early, check this blog--make sure you have read the appropriate articles, completed homework, etc. Continue reading and completing your non-fiction book. Finish this over the long weekend.

Check out these clips. Use any of these ideas to create a poem, short story, non-fiction narrative, film, play/script, comic strip, etc. of your own:

Captain Capitalism cartoon

In Debt We Trust

Maxed Out (2006)

What Would Jesus Buy? - clip #1

What Would Jesus Buy - clip #2

Consumer Island (short)

Consumerism - the musical

Embodiment of the American Way (satire)

Trendspotting - Credit (The Daily Show)

Socialism cartoon

The Communist Manifesto (with Cartoons)

Destination Earth (1956)


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