China (intro)
After our discussion of Japanese filmmakers from last class's post, we'll move on to China.
Let's see a brief lay of the land. As we view these films/sites, please take notes. You will be asked to set a fictional story in a Chinese setting. The material below may help you come up with ideas for your cross-cultural writing:
Traditional Religion:
- Confucianism
- Lao Tzu (& Taoism)
For more information on Confucianism & the Analects, see below:
We'll read a few contemporary short stories by Chinese authors during class. See handout.
Bei Dao one of the "misty poets" tradition.
Let's begin with some background and history to base a story in China.
China Tour (video)
Current politics:
- Xi Jinping
- Why China Is Building The World's Biggest City
- US Trade War with China
- Social Credit System
Should we do something like this Social Credit system? Should we? Do we? (consider Facebook or Amazon's Alexa...) What do you think?
Chinese Politics/Culture/History:
- Information about China
- Government
- China's Dynasties in 7 Minutes (Animated History of China, Part 1; History of China, Part 2)
- A Brief Guide to the Cultural Revolution; & Why Was China's Cultural Revolution So Violent? & China's Little Red Book & Why Mao Zedong Was the Most Brutal Tyrant
Could America have a cultural revolution? What would have to happen to make it possible? Is there a "cult of personality" around anyone now in America? What might cause a cultural shift? What would it look like? Imagine.
HOMEWORK: Please continue reading Red Scarf Girl. Aim to complete this book by Friday.