Lambent Submissions; Portfolio; Final Cultural Project; Fun Home Discussion


Please work on your portfolio or Lambent. Lambent info is due Friday to be included. No exceptions. See Karina for details.

Finally, your last project/presentation is a cultural examination

Please choose and select one of the following cultures:
  • Cuba
  • Colombia
  • Argentina
  • Brazil
  • Mexico
  • Chile
  • China
  • Japan
  • Turkey
  • Poland
  • Russia
  • Thailand
  • Phillippines
  • Vietnam
  • Korea
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • Denmark
  • Iceland
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Italy
  • Greece
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Austria
  • Czech Republic
  • Switzerland
  • Israel
  • Ireland
  • Scotland
Research literary history and contemporary writers (including significant singers, poets, novelists, essayists, celebrities, film directors/writers, playwrights, etc.) and find out what is unique about the culture you picked. How is the culture different from ours? Examine cuisine, gender roles, philosophy, leisure activities, pop culture, art, media, politics, religion, history, as well as authors, etc. Take notes.

Along with your research and presentation, you should include the following:
  • A sample poem or song from a significant poet/singer
  • A sample short, short story (I'll provide these for you)
  • A sample film clip
Additionally, you must create a Prezi, Padlet, or Google Slide, or a short documentary as a visual aide or you may bring in a sample cultural dish to share with the class. Slides and prezi slides should be mostly pictures (avoid more than 12 words on a slide...!)

Your presentations will include your summary/information about the culture, allow classmates to read a poem (or listen to a song), watch a film clip of a significant film or a travelogue highlighting the culture and geography, and read a short, short story from a contemporary/post-modern author.  Presentations should be between 5-15 minutes in length. Sign up for presentations on June 4, 6, or 8. 

Period 2:

Let's complete our discussion on Fun Home.

HOMEWORK: Begin reading or continue reading The Handmaid's Tale


Unknown said…
I'm doing Korea as my research project and my poet is Baek Seok.

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