Portfolios Due - MP2; Pop Culture Presentations

Lab: please prepare and complete your portfolios. These will be collected today (or tomorrow).

At the end of our lab, (8:05) please go to the library to pick up the required memoir "The Distance Between Us" by Reyna Grande. The author will be visiting us in early March for "If All of Rochester Read the Same Book" program. See homework for details on the book.

Period 2: We will view your pop culture presentations. We'll go in order. Please make sure your links work before beginning your presentation. If someone is absent or isn't listed, we'll skip them. Our goal is to identify what the popular culture topic is, its history (where did it come from?), and how it has influenced our culture? The term: convergence, cross-platform, narrative and high/low culutre may be helpful (from your handout articles).

Convergence: the changes and merging that has occurred in media content over time. One meaning refers to technology and another to business. Thus, the printing press (books in print) later developed into online digital books or the eReader. Many tv shows have spin-offs or are reinvented. Doing so is an example of convergence.

Cross-platform: consolidating various media companies or holdings in business. Disney, for example, does more than make animated films. Learn more about the Disney Corporation and their holdings here. Disney is a "cross-platform" media company.

Narrative: storytelling & the process of storytelling.

High Culture: superior products that consumers consume; often labeled Art (capital A). Examples include opera, the works of Mozart or Shakespeare, the films of Orson Welles, classical music, ballet, in some cultures: live theater; The New Yorker magazine, NPR, etc.

Low Culture: inferior products that consumers consume; often labeled popular culture or craft (as opposed to Art). Justin Beiber, Stephanie Myers' Twilight series, WWF, Kim Kardashian, The Apprentice, Grand Theft Auto, America's Got Talent, etc.
If we finish before the end of class, we'll read a couple of articles on race--our next unit.

HOMEWORK: Our lab will be open during exam week. If you would like help or feedback on your writing (particularly Sokol or Gannon) please stop by in the morning and Ms. Gamzon or I will help you.

Also: Please read the book The Distance Between Us. This is a memoir and similar to many of the books we've read in the past. Aim to complete the book by Jan. 30. Examine Grande's use of narration, description, exemplification, and compare/contrast tactics in the memoir. As an open-book test assignment, please answer 10 of the 20 questions for discussion to be turned in on Jan. 30 (pages 331-333 in the "teacher's section"). We will also hold a class discussion on the book. Be prepared!


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