Portfolio; 1950's Pop Culture


Please use your time in the lab to do the following:

PROMPTS from reading the article "The Color of Family Ties" and previous classes:
  • Write a story in the decade that you think you would have preferred to live in...or research that decade and set a story or poem in that decade/setting.
  • What will you miss about your youth/growing up? Project what the world might be like in 10-15-20 years and think about what you are going to miss about your childhood. Write an essay about it.
  • Write a television episode or television pilot using popular culture to guide you as to what the media may want to see. Use your favorite television episodes as models. Check out Drew's Scriptorama website for sample tv scripts.
  • Write about your family. Are you from a traditional family? How or how not so? You may also focus on writing about a family secret, a specific family member, or an important family event that helped shape who you are.
  • Does culture or economic class have more to do with who we are and how we live, behave, believe in, etc. than other factors? Discuss.
  • Write about a non-traditional family in a poem or short story or play
  • Write a horror story or a parody of a horror story inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's writing (see previous posts for help on establishing tone in horror stories). Or try writing in his style (a poem or short story) using a rich vocabulary to sound like you are a writer from the 19th century.
  • Complete any of those earlier prompts from the psychology unit.
  • If you need a deadline: complete any of these prompts for next class (Wednesday).
Period 2: 

Read the article about the 1950's together in class. When you complete the essay, gather in your reading book groups for part 1 of your discussion. Submit your 3 required discussion questions for your chosen novel before you leave today. Leave questions in the inbox with your name on them.

HOMEWORK: None. We will discuss your chosen novel next class as well. 


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