Philosophy; The Stranger; Research

Lab: (Until 8:10)

Submit your best work to me as a shared Google file. I need these asap if you want to be included in the issue of Lambent. I'll pick up any last files on Thursday (June 1). That's our absolute deadline. I'd like some more prose, if possible. Essays count as prose. Look through your portfolios.

Next: Please research your chosen culture:
  • Provide basic historical/geographical information about the country.
  • Find 1 famous or significant poet from the culture & include a short poem from that author.
  • Find 1 famous author (prose) from the culture and include a short excerpt from a story or prose piece from that author.
  • Discuss pop culture (film, leisure, media, sports, trends, music, etc.)
  • Compare traditions with us in the US.
  • Include a works cited page.
Period 1/2: 8:10. Let's go hear about your chosen philosopher. Then let's hear about your philosophical argument (see homework from last class). 

With time left, we will examine Soren Kierkegaard's philosophy regarding anxiety. Just in time! Here's more regarding Kierkegaard's masterpiece: Fear & Trembling.


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