Clockwork Orange/Brave New World Discussion


Prepare for our discussion on A Clockwork Orange or Brave New World. Check out these links, or find some on your own. Be prepared to discuss the novel in depth with your book group next period.

Resources for A Clockwork Orange
Resources for Brave New World
Please complete your Utopia project/presentation (feel free to transfer some of these ideas to a powerpoint or prezi or some appropriate google tool: sketch (sketchpad) or draw that scene/character. You might also use: wordle GoogleKeeppoppletmindmeisterpiclitstoryboardthat, puppetpalsinteractive whiteboard, or padlet, or some other internet program.

Create a perfect world or society. Give your fictional world a name. Feel free to draw your world on the paper provided or make a blog for your "world news", etc. Be prepared to share your "vision" of a perfect world/place with the class.

Questions to consider:
  • What would make our world better? 
  • Who would get to live in it? 
  • Who would govern it? 
  • How would these improvements be possible? 
  • What has to happen to make these changes? 
  • What resources would be needed? 
  • How would these resources be protected or replicated? 
  • How would our beliefs or minds need to change to allow this better world to occur? 
  • How would this world be sustained?
  • How would people have to behave?
  • What would people have to believe?
  • How would this world answer the problems of poverty, freedom, equality, education, economic class, death, disease, health or diet, crime, invasion, wars, or attacks from outsiders, etc.?
Be prepared to share your presentation either Wednesday or Friday of this week.

Finally, take a look at any of these psychological videos and use the information you learn in a poem, play scene, sketch, essay, short story, etc.

Psychology videos:

Book Discussion. See the handout for discussion questions. Discuss your book.

HOMEWORK: Be prepared to begin writing your critical review/analysis of your chosen book next class. Gather your notes. Bring your books with you to our lab next class!


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