Intro to Philosophy & Camus' The Stranger

Under the main heading of philosophy, there are several branches. These are divided by the kind of questions they ask. Here are the main ones:
I. Ethics: the study of values in human behavior or moral problems: (what is good or right?)
II. Aesthetics: the study of what is beautiful or artistic: (is this art? What is beauty?)
III. Axiology: the study of value (value theory): (what is at stake or what is of value in a life or human action?)
IV. Epistemology: the study of knowledge. (what is truth?)
V. Ontology: the study of existence. (what is real?)
VI. Metaphysics: the study of extra-normal existence (really a sub-branch of ontology). (what created the world? Do we have a soul? What is God?)
VII. Existentialism: also a sub-branch of Ontology--it seeks to answer: What is the meaning of life? Here's an example: Monty Python sketch from The Meaning of Life (1983)
Using the graphic organizer, watch the following video and complete the 3-2-1 portion of the sheet.
What is philosophy for?

On the back is the description wheel graphic. Watch the following videos on these ancient philosophers and complete your notes with key ideas or information you gained from watching them. This is due at end of period 1.

Some ancient and important philosophers whose ideas helped shape Western Culture:

And finally, before you end your time in the lab, check out these videos on our next author:
Camus: 8-bit Myth of Sisyphus
Camus: Discovery of the Absurd

Please turn in your notes by end of class today.

HOMEWORK: Complete The Stranger. We will read the last chapter (chapter 5) in class on Friday, then discuss the book and its ideas in relation to what we've learned from ourselves and others.


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