Socratic Discussion: Things Fall Apart; Lab (Portfolio Work)

This morning, after our writing prompt, please discuss the book Things Fall Apart.

Before we begin, write a quick character list for the characters in the book. If you have specific questions/concerns or ideas about the book, what are they? Take about 3-5 minutes to complete this. You can use this for our discussion and to study from for your upcoming test.

After our discussion, please use the lab to continue writing for your portfolio. There will be a test on Things Fall Apart on Wednesday. Please prepare and bring your books to class.

Discussion seed questions/topics:

  • Discuss gender roles in the book. How does the author handle gender--what seems to be his point or attitude or position on this subject? How do the scenes in the book illustrate this?
  • Discuss the cultural importance of tradition and/or religion in the book. How does Igbo religion and traditional practices differ from our own? What scenes concerning this had an impact on you as you read? 
  • How does Achebe's use of African terms/vocabulary used in the book create authenticity for us as readers?
  • Using the concept of functionalism or social role theory, how does the book support these theories/social philosophies through its characters, setting, and plot?
    • Functionalism: all people have a certain role to fill in a society.
    • Social Role Theory: societies have distinct roles based on age, gender, or economic status that divide a society's work force. Each division has a specific expectation within that society as to who can fulfill a certain role.
  • Discuss relevant themes and messages inherent in the book. How are these themes introduced and developed in the book? Consider specific scenes in the book to support your answer.
  • Other questions/issues you would like to discuss this morning?

HOMEWORK: Prepare for Things Fall Apart test on Wednesday. Continue writing for your portfolio.


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