Gender Topics: Masculinity

Today, we'll start with a donut, a sad good-bye, and a few articles we meant to give you before but didn't.

After writing a creative response to these essays, let's move forward into our next topic: masculinity.

What does it mean to feel like a man? Let's find out!

 There is no better way for us to do this than the following:

1. Go to the lab by way of the library. Pick up our next book Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. This is our next major novel for this course.

2. To start, let's answer: What does it mean to feel like a man? Let's find out! Watch this video and then remember its key ideas by writing them down. Want to feel like a real student? Become a real student by studying.

3. Done? Good. Learned stuff? Good. Now: Go to this website: The Art of Manliness

3. Read 1 article per heading (note headings are at the top of the webpage: (a man's life, dress & grooming, health & sports, manly skills, & how-to holiday)). That means, let's do the math..., we read 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 articles.

4. For each article, please take down the following notes:
  • Who wrote the article?
  • What is the name of the article?
  • What is a short summary of the MAIN POINTS of the article?
  • What is your gut reaction to the information in the article? What are you THINKING?
5. Be prepared to discuss with the class what you found and what profound thoughts you thunked.

With any class time remaining, probably a lost cause, please do the following:
  • Thank Ms. Springer. This is her last day with us.
  • Make sure you turn in your poem drafts from last class. See assignments from Ms. Springer's blog.
NOTE: it is probable that you did not finish reading your 5 articles, taking notes, and/or the numbered stuff above. Good news! You can add what you didn't complete as homework! If you do your homework tonight and tomorrow (during advisement periods, for example) you won't have to worry about doing it during your time off. Otherwise, complete everything but #5. We'll handle #5 when you return from being thankful.

HOMEWORK: Examine HONOR in the first seven chapters of Things Fall Apart (pages 3-62). Start off by watching this short film first. Find out what defines male honor. Take notes. Then apply what you have learned with the first 7 chapters of Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart.


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