V for Vendetta; Baseline Culture Essay Draft

This morning, please begin looking over "How It Feels to be Colored Me". Join a small group of 3-4 and discuss this essay. On the index card (front) please bullet notes about how culture and cultural concepts frame this essay. To be turned in.

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta is an example of a dystopian novel. We're going to read a few of these this year, so let's learn a little bit about Utopias/Dystopias (from Shmoop)

Please learn more about the author Alan Moore here at this link. Before you leave the lab, please read the article and list 3 things you found out about Alan Moore. Submit your index card with these notes for participation credit.

For those of you interested in delving deeper into either Alan Moore's mind or comic writing, spend some personal time watching these YouTube videos.
Today in class, please answer the following questions IN THE COMMENT SECTION below about Book One of V for Vendetta:
  1. On page 17, you can read the titles of some of V's books. Choose one book and explain why it might be meaningful to V.
  2. Both V and The Leader describe abstract concepts as their lovers. What concept(s) does each character mention? Why might the choices be significant? (Hint: V mentions 2)
  3. What is the irony of Prothero's obsession with dolls? 
  4. Why might it be important that, in the resettlement camp, V looks at Delia like she is "some sort of insect?" (p. 81)
  5. There are a number of parallels between the setting of V for Vendetta and Nazi Germany. What are two parallels? 
As you read this book:
INQUIRY: How is V for Vendetta a dystopian novel? Who has the power in this fictional setting? What might have led the author Alan Moore to write this novel (hint: check the date and do some research!) How might his work appeal to a specific audience? If the reading/story is not appealing to you, what might he be missing or overlooked that might not appeal to you as a reader? How does the author create a unique "culture" in the novel? How does he use setting, character, plot to create a message? Consider why this graphic novel became published, filmed, and included in a senior creative writing course. Jot down your observations or questions about the text and save them for a discussion focusing on these ideas next class.

: Work on completing your draft of the baseline essay (see above). Please bring your V for Vendetta books back with you next class. Aim to complete the graphic novel by the beginning of next week.


izzi said…
1. On page 17, you can read the titles of some of V's books. Choose one book and explain why it might be meaningful to V.
Cabret could mean “entertainment,” and the title is“vicious caberet.” The title could be saying vicious entertainment; which would be pertinent to him.
2. Both V and The Leader describe abstract concepts as their lovers. What concept(s) does each character mention? Why might the choices be significant? (Hint: V mentions 2)
The trap of happiness- v kept saying Evey was in a trap that only seemed like happiness.
That just because it was revenge, it doesn’t make it wrong. Since he isn’t doing it for evil purposes, it isn’t evil.
3. What is the irony of Prothero's obsession with dolls?
4. He so rough around the edges that its surprising he would be obsessed with dolls
5. Why might it be important that, in the resettlement camp, V looks at Delia like she is "some sort of insect?" (p. 81)
He looks at her like that because of the way she is dressed.
6. There are a number of parallels between the setting of V for Vendetta and Nazi Germany. What are two parallels?
Nazi Germany-mainly blamed the jews or non-blond-hair-blue-eye-people. v for vendetta-blames the homosexuals, immigrants, terrorists, muslims and others.
Nazi Germany- everday people were the activists v for vendetta- the activists claim they are everyday people
xavier lopez said…
1. the French revolution took and the V for Vandetta both took place around the same region. where a society is taken over and forced to be reversed to a new way of living with no rules and so forth.
2. he kept saying he felt like he was more trapped rather then in love or romance. the other is more passionate about love .

4. because people are getting put in settlement camps, people from many different regions and cultures are being put to together so there are several cultures and different kinds of people getting mushed together.
5.both settings had similar assests such as having concentration camps and how people were ruled by leaders and they had no say in what they wanted, they were controlled.
Unknown said…
1. Shakespeare is important to him because it is a piece of the past to him. It is part of his culture and his childhood and it is what he grew up with. This book and all the books in general provide him with that sense of freedom he once had to experience and expand his mind about new cultures.
2. The leaders first love is his own country which he believes he is fiercely loyal too and does all to protect it.
V’s first love was Madam Justice he believed in her and her right to give due process to those who have harmed the innocent but when she failed he turned his back on her and fell into the arms of anarchy because whether it was deemed right or wrong and even if it was considered immoral and cruel she would provide him with vengeance.

3. The irony is that he cares for the life of a soulless inanimate object such as a doll more than he cares for a living human being.
4. He feels as though she is just another pawn in this big over-bearing system of the government and I believe he actually feels sorry for her and that is why he poisoned her in her sleep because she was a bit oblivious and ignorant to the actual outcome she was working towards and he also was aware of her resentment for what she had done.
5. One parallel is the strong hold that the dictator has over the people of his country.
Another is the prejudice that minorities and people of what was considered an obscure sexual orientation faced which leads to the most similar off all parallels…. The concentration camps where those who did not fit into societies mold (aka.Blacks, Gays, Hispanics, Asians, Lesbians etc.) would
Unknown said…
1) Frankenstein is one book that seems like it would be very important to him. Its essentially a reminder of his past and something he can draw parallels with. He might see himself within the text and attempt to understand the motives behind his creation as well as his purpose.
2) The Leader describes his love as not one based on physical temptations or marred by lust, but rather on the purity that Fate both exhibits and administers. He describes her soul as "clean, untainted by the snares and ambiguities of emotion" and that he cherishes "the purity of her disdain." V, on the other hand, previously loved "Madame" Justice as an ideal. However, he was driven away by her love of authority, and fell in love with Anarachy, more so a "mistress" than a "madame", because of her adoration of freedom over mere justice. These choices between V and the Leader may be significant as they demonstrate their obsession over their own philosophies, and show the lack of importance of mere appearance in a society overrun and crippled by order and authority.
3) How he cares about the safety of his porcelain and lifeless dolls over the scores of flesh and blood he killed back at the camp. Not to mention how he pleas for mercy and begs V to stop their incineration as they cry for "ma-ma", but outright rejects the cries suffering men and women.
4) It illustrates a bit of the connection between the two, as with how Delia was examining V, he, in turn, examines her on a plane on more behavioral and ideal, rather than scientific or physical.
5) The overwhelming force of Fascism in almost every aspect of society, the resettlement camps, the isolation of those within their society to others, the false propaganda, the presence of a unique and covert police force.
Unknown said…
1.)Shakespeare might be meaningful to Moore because they were alike. they both were collaborators, talked about the same things, and were meant for the stage.
2.Both V and The Leader describe abstract concepts as their lovers. What concept(s) does each character mention? Why might the choices be significant? (Hint: V mentions 2)

4.) They are two different people , they don't know each other.
5.Both has concentration camps, and moved different cultures of people. They all had one ruler who controlled everyone.
Unknown said…
1. I think the French Revolution book is meaningful to V because it is about how there was a monarch and the people overthrew it. They were then taken over by Napoleon and thrown into a dictatorship. This is similar to him because he is starting his own revolution to overthrow the government that is in effect now.

2. The leader mentions his lover, fate, as someone who doesn’t respect or fear him. That is what he wants because he is in charge of people who respect him because they fear him. He is in love with the fact that she is different from everyone else. V is in love with Madam Justice because she was his justice. He felt that he could look up to her as a child when there was no justice. She promised him that freedom and justice would come, and that was what he needed as a child. It was something to remind him that everything would be okay soon. He changed his love to anarchy because it guaranteed freedom and justice.

3. He used to take care of the children in the concentration camp, but he cared more about his dolls than he did the kids. He took away the only thing Prothero cared about which is similar to how Prothero was involved with taking the kids from their homes and family.
4. She is taking part in something inhumane, and he feels sorry for her because she didn’t seem to understand what was going on.
5. One parallel is the concentration camps in Nazi Germany and the resettlement camps in v for Vendetta. Another parallel is in Nazi Germany, there is a corrupt leader feeding the public what they want to hear. In V for Vendetta, there is also a corrupt leader who tells the public what they want to hear before going and doing the opposite of what he stands for.
Unknown said…
1.Franenstein might be meaningful to V because of it's story line and because of his culture.
2.Both V and The Leader describe abstract concepts as their lovers. These concepts were based on happiness.
3. The irony of Prothero's obsession with dolls is that he feels greater compassion for the inanimate objects over actual lives.
4. V looks at Delia like she is "some sort of insect" because of her involvement in the government. An insect is an insignificant creature in the scheme of life, as she is insignificant and he pity's her because of that.
5. Two similarities between the setting of V for Vendetta and Nazi Germany would be the use of the idea of "rising to power" as well as the use of propaganda.

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