Waiting For Godot

During period 1, please complete the quiz on Waiting For Godot. Then take some time this morning to discuss the play in a Socratic Seminar.

Some basic discussion questions:

  • So, what's the point of this play? What do we learn about the human condition through it? 
  • If you were to communicate a similar theme or message, how would you have written something differently?
  • What is the significance of the setting of this play? The characters? The plot & stage events?
  • Discuss positions of power in the play. Who has power in this play?
Afterward, let's go pick up our next book. Then it's back to the lab to work on our philosophy film projects. 

HOMEWORK: Read The Pirates In An Adventure with The Romantics. It's due Monday, May 4. It's a comedy, contemporary, and frivolous written by a British lad, so read it and enjoy. 


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