A Little Friendly Note About The End of This Course

Well, here we are running around the world in a frenzy. Our last few classes will be devoted to covering as much of the globe as possible. As such, there are some prompts and poets and authors that we will read. There's really nothing we need to do with this material other than enjoy it. There comes a time in education and learning that it does a world of good to simply go back to enjoying something without having to build a lesson from reading or analyzing it.

With that said, there's a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips here. I cannot make you care about the world you live in, but it is my hope that you spend some time reading, watching the videos, clicking the links, and thinking about the art and culture posted below and above.

If you happen to not be here next class, please note the following:

1. I will be posting information about China, Korea, and Japan between today's class and next. Please review the material and read the packets given to you in class on China, Korea, and Japan. We will continue Japan, Vietnam, and Indonesia next class. So read the material.
2. There will also be a quiz on the short story: "Interpreter of Maladies"--added to this, I will test you on the packets you received in class to ensure that you peruse them, as a way of final assessment. If you are prepared, we will close the class with Africa and, if there is time, Australia/New Zealand and parts of the Middle East I did not get to.

The end is nigh, but it is not completely over yet. While we do not have a final exam or portfolio due this marking period, we still have next week's classes and with our Coffeehouse, literary magazine, portfolios, prom, and so forth over--I'd like to leave you with a candid discussion of the course, it's relevance, and with academic good cheer as you prepare for moving-up day on Monday, June 10.


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