End of South America & Into The Beautiful North

Today we will end of tour of South America. Please slip down to the library to do the following:

1. During period 1, please pick up the book "Into the Beautiful North" and begin reading it either alone or in small reading groups. Please, please, please: if you are in a reading group, the purpose of this time in the library is to read. Please read with your partners, not discuss off-topic issues. Save that for lunch or other periods, like math or science.

2. Complete the handout questions to turn in by TUESDAY, Feb. 12.

During period 2, please complete this assignment:

Take a look at some of these links--the countries we did not cover in South America specifically.
Other South American countries:
  • Guyana is probably best known in our own popular culture as being the site of the Jonestown massacre. Here's a clip. A reminder that the profession of journalism carries with it a responsibility.
Popular culture: The Holy Thugs of Venezuela (short documentary film)
Miss Universe 2012: Irene Esser
Using your research of any of the material found above or using Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina or Colombia, please write a CREATIVE RESPONSE (a story, poem, poem cycle, script--film, television, comic book, play, etc., non-fiction article/essay, or any other creative response using South American culture as a key component of the draft. In your heading, please indicate which country you decided to use.)

Use your time in the lab this morning (2nd period) to work on this assignment. Try to create a draft by Thursday, Feb. 14 (Valentine's Day!) Keep your drafts in your marking period portfolio.

HOMEWORK: Read up through page 45 in Into the Beautiful North and complete questions on the handout.


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