Comic Book Script: Draft

We are entering the 3rd marking period. Careful, this one's short. You will need to continue writing a portfolio. Any of the previous exercises can still be tried. Don't forget that you want to pace yourself to write at least 1-2 pages per week. This is not a lot of writing, if you pace yourself. Your comic book script (and other assignments) will be included in this next portfolio. Remember, also, that you can revise and rewrite any work for which you have already created a draft.

Please complete the simple survey for our upcoming World Literature unit and hand in by end of class today. 

IN THE LAB: Please write your script today in the lab. If you get stuck, call me over. Otherwise, advice about the finer points of writing comic books can be found in the articles below. Take a gander.
Your draft should be completed by the end of class. Please turn in by the end of class today.

If you finish early, and would like to begin designing or drawing a page or more of your script, please begin this process. You may either use:

Comic Life (in our Mac lab)
Manga Comic Creator (best for Manga/Japanese style comics)
or Comic Creator (best for humorous or non-sci-fi/fantasy/super hero type comics)
Make Beliefs Comix
Pixton (costs $)
Toon Doo
or other programs, including drawing your own on paper in ink.

Superhero Nation: Script software
Celtx (scriptwriting software)

HOMEWORK: Please complete your comic book script draft.


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