Ethics: Part One

 Ethics (moral philosophy) is the study of distinguishing right from wrong and good from bad.
--What does it mean to say that something is right or good?
--What makes right actions right?
--How can disputes about moral questions be resolved?
It is the task of ethics to answer such questions.

1. Practical ethics (What should I do?)
2. Theoretical ethics (Are these standards really right or are they all just arbitrary?)
3. Philosophical ethics is often called normative ethics.
A. Normative ethics searches for norms using authoritative standards (rules) of what ought to be:
–The speed limit is 55. If everyone goes 60, is it wrong to adhere to 55?
–Murder is considered wrong. If one kills for one’s country, is this a wrongful act?
B. Among the questions of normative ethics are: What makes right actions right? How can we tell what is right? Why should I be moral?

Richard Dawkins on Ethics
Ethics for the Real World
Dilbert on Ethics
Ethics for Dummies


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