Jennifer Government & Advertising Techniques

To start off, please take the first 5 minutes of class to read the article: "Snap! Crackle! Plot!" by Roy Rivenburg. After reading, please respond in writing.

Then, let's take a look at some advertising techniques. As you watch the slide show, please take notes about advertising strategies. Creative Advertising Techniques.

Please make a list of things you'd like to buy if you were given a blank check and the sky was the limit. Now annotate the list with brief explanations for why you want each item.

--How much of what we buy is who we are?
--How does what we buy help us connect, compare, or create homogeneous groups (hegemonies).
--America: why are we so greedy?
--What's up with all this consumerism? Is capitalism to blame?

Jennifer Government: Please use some class time to read Jennifer Government and search pop culture magazines or the library for secondary sources.

Here's Max Barry's website.

It doesn't get more pop culture than this. A turn-based on-line game based on the novel Jennifer Government. Learn about and play it here.

Keep reading Jennifer Government. Notice how entwined the plot becomes based on key major characters and their personal goals/objectives. Why do you think Barry is telling his story this way? What is the culminating effect on you, the reader?


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