What's the Meaning of Life: Camus & Existentialism

After our writing prompts, we will be spending time in the lab.

Today in the lab, please take a look at the links for Albert Camus and work on your portfolio. Please use the links to take notes on the following questions (homework). You may use this information to help you answer your homework (due Monday):

Albert Camus

1. Jot down a few notes about Camus' life and biography. Answer: who was he, why is he important to Western Civilization.
2. In your own words explain Camus' view on Absurdity.
3. In your own words explain Camus' view on Solidarity.
4. Who was Sisyphus and how might this myth be a good example of absurdity?
5. In your own words explain Existentialism.
6. What are some basic principals, movements or themes of existentialism?

On-going question:
7. How might The Stranger be considered an example of existentialism? What is Camus' point about the meaning of our lives?

Choose a quote from Albert Camus and use this somehow in your writing (either as an epigram or perhaps as a starting point for a story/poem/essay/script, etc.)

HOMEWORK: Please answer the 6 questions above for Monday. Turn these in. Keep reading and finish reading The Stranger.


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