Hebrew & Jewish Culture

Please watch the following flash presentation on the link below. As you watch, take notes and pay attention to the information you are receiving, as always. 

The History of Israel (Flash Presentation) 

After learning a little about the history of Israel, please select 2 Israeli poets and research them from the link below. For each poet, you should briefly detail "WHO" the poet is, a little bit about the poet, awards, etc. Then select at least 1-2 poems from the author and read these. Be prepared to discuss at least one of these poets in class next time. (See Homework below)

Israeli Poets

Here are some links about ancient Hebrew Culture and Jewish culture and history. Please use this information and research to write a CREATIVE response in the form of a reflective non-fiction essay, a poem, a play, a comic strip, a fiction piece, etc.

Ancient Hebrew Culture
Ancient Hebrew Language
Jewish Culture and History.
Hebrew Culture

Homework: Research 2 Israeli poets. Be prepared to discuss them next class to the class. Write your own poem draft using parallel structure, inspired by Israeli & Hebrew poetry. You may also write a create response involving Jewish and Hebrew culture. Bring drafts of poems to our next class.


Nahoma said…

I found this website about what parallel structure is in Hebrew poetry and I thought I'd share it with you. It's pretty much exactly what we are talking about.

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