Portfolio - 4th marking period

Please work on your portfolio pieces. The portfolio will be due Wednesday, after period 1. (Period 2 we will be returning to the classroom to view a film). Next class we will continue working in the lab.

What needs to be in your portfolio?

As always, you want a selection of NEW work (we have spent much of the marking period solely in Germany reading everything from fairy tales to epic theatre. Issues of sexuality, gender, genocide, propaganda, insanity, and war have filtered our stories. So, too, have short lighter fiction and poetry.)

Also, remember that the work you have written in the past 3 marking periods can be revised, rewritten, restructured. Try a new draft from an old work. Turn a story into a play or a play into a poem or a poem into a non-fiction narrative, or a non-fiction narrative into a film, cartoon strip, or media project. The possibilities are only limited by your own time, energy, motivation, and creativity. Like always.

Oh, and remember that writing can be fun. Have fun. Try something new. No harm done.


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