Popular Culture - Research/Reading project

For our course (and to prepare you for college), we will be conducting MLA/APA format and collecting resources and recording the sites and material that helps us conduct the appropriate research needed for a variety of writing assignments. To start us off, today in the library we will show you how to do this.

With time remaining, please begin reading and researching your chosen book. Please keep the handout about responding as a personal/critical film analysis/and an open-ended analytic assignment. This is a sample and model for your own writing. Please read and keep this packet, as you will be able to refer to it later when you write your own creative work.

Homework: Read your book. As you read, list questions, comments, or relevant information about topics that need to be examined further regarding your topic. This will prove helpful as you continue the writing exercises to come. Please bring your book with you to next class.


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