
Showing posts from November, 2008

Bloodsucking Fiends - Response

Please respond here for the second part of your test:

11/12 To Do List

1. Read Bloodsucking Fiends (test next Tuesday, Nov. 17). 2. Complete revision (3rd draft)/or 2nd draft (past due) of POV story. 3. Work on draft #1 of your folklore assignment (see below) To research ideas for your folklore project, see the following website:

Obama is President Elect!

Please read the following news article: "CHICAGO, Illinois - At 9:58 PM CST, Barack Obama unexpectedly took the state of Virginia. This turn of events put his total projected electoral votes to 284. This total was above the 270 needed to win the nomination, and so Barack Obama has been projected as the next President of the United States. As of 11:40 PM, the total number of electoral votes were set at 338 Obama, 156 McCain. Shortly after the winner was announced, Republican Presidential Nominee John McCain placed a call to congratulate Obama. He then gave a very gracious speech to a crowd of fellow Republicans in Phoenix. In his speech, McCain again congratulated Obama to his followers, to which they responded with with boos and negative tones. McCain spoke graciously of the importance of the election and how history has been made today. Barack Obama gave his speech to his audience less than an hour after McCain, where he thanked his family, running mate, and all those involve...

Folklore Research Project

Folklore is: Folklore is writing that emerges from expressive culture, including tales, music, dance, legends, oral history, proverbs, jokes, popular beliefs, customs, and so forth within a particular population (culture, subculture, or group). Your task: Research an area of folklore. Use the library and the internet to help you find an idea. Once you have an idea, take notes on your subject. You will need to complete a 1 page outline about how you plan to use the information you found. More on this later. After you have researched an area of folklore, chosen a topic, created an outline, you will need to decide what kind of genre your presentation will take. Some ideas are listed below: Ideas: • Write a story/poem cycle/play about superstitions, folklore and/or a significant tradition in a culture outside of America. • Write a story/poem cycle/play about vampires or some other culturally created "monster." • Write a personal essay about Halloween, Vampires, Horror Films, Dra...

Current Writing Projects

Currently, we are working on the following: 1. The second draft of your 2nd Person - POV story. This draft should be anywhere between 3-7 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, etc. Due Nov. 5. 2. The first draft of your personal essay from Dyer's essay "Dracula and Desire." Due Nov. 3. 3. Post from Oct. 30 - Writing project ideas. Select any one of these AND #4, the folklore research. #4 is required of all students in the class. See post above for detailed instructions. Due date TBA.