The Stone Gods: Discussion; Women in Video Games; Wilderness Tips
Welcome back from our arctic weather... Today we will conduct our discussion (long overdue) on The Stone Gods . Jeanette Winterson is a contemporary novelist. She is a lesbian writer who dabbles in science fiction, literary and poetic prose. She was born in Manchester, England, and adopted by Pentecostal parents who brought her up in the nearby mill-town. She attended Oxford, and currently writes for various UK newspapers (she is a journalist, as well as a literary novelist and poet). Author interview with Jeanette Winterson Jeanette Winterson talks about her favorite books Discussion and Socratic Seminar on The Stone Gods (see handout) Library: Please pick up Wilderness Tips by Margaret Atwood. Margaret Atwood Interview on Writing Misogyny in Video Games. Please watch the following videos and read the article "Your Princess Is In Another Castle". Use the source material to write a reflective essay/article on your positio...