Adventure Fiction Project
First things first. Please sign up for a chapter to summarize and examine/present to the class from The Epic of Gilgamesh . Next class, be prepared to summarize the plot of that chapter (you can use a graphic organizer, if you'd like to create a mind-map), analyze the adventure genre aspects/tropes you recognize, and suggest a story premise based on or alluding to a key event. We will share our findings with the rest of the class. Genre writing can be a lot of fun (or cause those of you who are realists a lot of stress). Consider what you like to write and try to incorporate the adventure genre into that, since adventure and suspense can utilize any other genre: science fiction, romance, horror, mystery, western, war, urban, historical fiction, chick lit, children's lit, gothic, or travel memoir, etc. But if you need an extra push, here are a few sub genres of the style: Robinsonades : from Daniel Defoe's famous novel Robinson Crusoe , this is a type of adventure st...