
Showing posts from December, 2013

Persepolis (Conclusion); Sunrise Over Fallujah

After watching Persepolis , please take a moment to respond in writing to the film. We will then switch over to our socratic discussion on Sunrise Over Fallujah . Have a happy and safe holiday break! Remember that your portfolios are due the week of January 20. Use your break to rest and relax, but also to get caught up and play around a little with your notes/journal. The 3rd marking period portfolio will include a ghazal, the middle east narrative project, and other interesting bits of writing. HOMEWORK: None.

Persepolis & an Indulgence of Poets

Hafez : Ode 44 TRANSLATED BY  RICHARD LE GALLIENNE Last night, as half asleep I dreaming lay,     Half naked came she in her little shift,          With tilted glass, and verses on her lips; Narcissus-eyes all shining for the fray,          Filled full of frolic to her wine-red lips,          Warm as a dewy rose, sudden she slips     Into my bed – just in her little shift. Said she, half naked, half asleep, half heard, With a soft sigh betwixt each lazy word, ‘Oh my old lover, do you sleep or wake!’ And instant I sat upright for her sake, And drank whatever wine she poured for me –    Wine of the tavern, or vintage it might be Of Heaven’s own vine: he surely were a churl Who refused wine poured out by such a girl, A double traitor he to wine and love. Go to, t...


The following pictures are not all positive images or ideas. You should google Islam images and see both positive and negative images. You could also do this for Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, etc. Religion is a touchy subject and one that both creates cultures, promotes culture, and at its extreme seeks to control cultures. Basic Beliefs of Islam 1. Allah, is the only God, and Muhammad is his prophet. 2. Prophets and Messengers: While Muhammad is the sole prophet in Islam, the religion recognizes many of the prophets from Judaism and Christianity, such as Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and others. Whereas Jesus is thought to be the final prophet for Christianity, Muhammad is God's last prophet according to Islam. As most prophets, Muhammad is chosen by Allah to deliver his message to humankind. 3. The Guidance from Allah & the Qur'an: Muhammad left behind the Word of Allah, the Qur'an, and his teachings, Hadith, were collected by his companio...

Middle East Workshop; Women; Persepolis

This morning please print out a draft of your Middle East narratives and get into 2 groups of 4-5 depending on who is in attendance. 1. Read, share, and comment on each other's work. Suggest ways to strengthen the draft. 2. Discuss Sunrise Over Fallujah in your small groups. Evaluate the book so far. What have you learned or liked or disliked? 3. Break away and read the handouts. Reflect upon them. Keep them close for your homework. During second period, please return to our room in 238. Take notes on my lecture about Islam (see post above). Use your notes and your reading to write a REACTIVE creative piece (draft) for Tuesday's class. HOMEWORK: Please continue reading Sunrise Over Fallujah . Try to finish this book by Thursday, when you will take the exam and have a Socratic seminar/discussion on it. Additionally, look over the handouts today and react to one or more of the ideas found therein by writing something creative. Your draft need not be long, but should e...

Middle East Narrative Project

Today, please write. Research. Then write some more. Read Sunrise Over Fallujah . Write. Research. Write again.  Use your time in the lab to progress on your Middle East narrative project. You should have a draft completed by Friday. To help you, consider these beginnings of stories that you have learned from previous classes: 1. Get in there! Start a story in media res or with an interesting hook. 2. Don't wallow in backstory (not in the beginning anyway). We don't need to know the history of your protagonist just yet. Start with action. Start with a decision. Give your protagonist a goal and a time limit! 3. Start a story in any of these ways: Setting :  setting sets the stage and raises our expectations, introduces us to location, time, and supports character, tone, mood and POV. Ideas :  While this can sometimes be dry or essay-like, it can also characterize a speaker, a place, an important motif or tone of a story. Imagistic or Strong Sensations:  ...

Portfolio Feedback; Middle East Story project; Sunrise Over Fallujah discussion

This morning, along with your portfolios, a little grammar feedback: Headings: Use the MLA standard heading: Student Name Teacher's Name* Class Name* Class Assignment Date Draft* Numbers : Writing numbers is largely a matter of style. Some editors and professors will be bugged that you tend to ignore certain rules. The most important thing is that you are consistent, and you follow one of the following traditions/expectations, while realizing that the professor or teacher you have may count you WRONG if you do not write numbers correctly in your essays, papers, stories, etc. Modern Language Association: MLA is often used in most colleges in English/literature and arts classes. Our department here at SOTA stresses the use of this style guide. The rule for #'s according to the MLA guide is as follows: Spell out numbers that are comprised of one or two words. Generally, you ALWAYS write out numerals below ten, and most of the time, you spell out words under 100....

Saudi Arabia Lit & Sunrise Over Fallujah

Let's read a few sample stories & poems from the United Arab Emirates & Saudi Arabia. Then, after responding to these works, let's gather to chat about the first 58 pages in Walter Dean Myers: Sunrise Over Fallujah. 1. Discuss the circles of power you have noticed so far in the novel. Who or what groups have power over others? How does this create tension, conflict, or even resolve struggles for the characters? 2. What is the significance of Robin Perry's background? What do we learn about him? How might this compare/contrast to some of the other characters' backstories? (Major Sessions, Captain Coles, Corporal Marla Kennedy, Corporal Charlie Jones ("Jonesy"), Sergeant Harris, Danforth, Jean Darcy) 3. Discuss the scene pp. 42-57. What events occur across the border? 4. Discuss the concept/metaphor of borders. How might this apply to the situation? How does it affect culture? After discussing, let's retire to the lab to work on our Middle Ea...

Pride of Baghdad; Portfolio; Saudi Arabia; Middle East Research

During period one, please select a middle eastern country for a writing activity, then research your chosen area. Take notes on details about the country, then prepare your portfolios. Portfolios are due today. During period 2, please go to the library to pick up Sunrise Over Fallujah, then gather to discuss The Pride of Baghdad and read the literature packet handouts. With time remaining begin planning a story that takes place in your chosen country. HOMEWORK: Please read to page 58 in Sunrise Over Fallujah .