More Themes in 100 Years of Solitude
When we write we should be trying to make a point or explain an observation about the human condition as it relates to ourselves and our characters or fictional world. In 100 Years of Solitude the themes of time and solitude (isolation) (see previous posts) are central to understanding the point of this book. By considering these themes, we, as readers and students, can at least try to grasp what Marquez is trying to teach or tell us about ourselves as human beings. Ah, the power of literature! The novel's central theme is solitude or human isolation. The Buendia Family, as our protagonists, represent the human condition. Protagonists usually represent the common man or woman (Everyman). Critics have noted that the Beundias "are solitary individuals living together as strangers in the same house. As such, they personify the predicament of the human race." Other themes include fate . An individual in this book is not free to control his/her own destiny....