Lone Ranger & Tonto Fistfight in Heaven - Prompts
Continue reading Sherman Alexie's short fiction. Prompts for poetry, plays, non-fiction, and fiction are below: Read pages: 54-110. 1. Write an unflattering reflection of yourself (or a character who is a composite of unflattering aspects of yourself). 2. Write about a city you would like to get to, or leave. 3. Write about a supernatural talent that an ordinary person wakes up one day to find that he/she can now do. 4. Write about an amusement (something fun that people do). 5. Write about a character you created in the past. Tell a new story with an old character. 6. Choose a small overlooked newspaper article. Change the names and details, but rewrite the article to launch yourself into a story, essay, play, poem, etc. 7. Write about a trial. 8. Write about a medicine man. 9. Search through a history book and select a moment in history. Write down an inspiring or interesting passage or phrase and use this as an epigram before a poem, fiction piece, play, or non-fiction essay.